FinTech Ecosystem Development Platform (FEDP)

Unlocking ESG: Journey into Innovations and New Frontiers


6 August 2024, Tuesday


15:30 - 16:30



Welcoming Session

Dr Alan CHEUNG, Chief Director, Artificial Intelligence & Trust Technologies, ASTRI

Ms Josephine CHIN, Associate Director, Membership and Business Development, Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute

User case Sharing on ESG & Green Technology

Dr Tao YU, Chief Technologist, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Trust Technologies, ASTRI

User Case Sharing on ESG Report

Mr Eric LUK, Director, Sustainability & Climate, Deloitte China

Innovative ESG Projects- Case Sharing 1
1st Runner-up team: Synergy Strategies (HKSI Case Competition 2024)

Miss CHEUNG Lok Ching, HKU
Mr FAN Ka Kiu, HKU
Miss LO Nikkia, HKU

Innovative ESG Projects- Case Sharing 2
Merit Team: Landing Consulting Strategies (HKSI Case Competition 2024)

Mr XU Ka Po, HKU
Mr XU Meiyi, HKU



Explore the new frontiers of ESG!

Join our sharing session on ESG innovation trends! Through lively and engaging sharing by experts, to grasp the latest developments in ESG. We will discuss how innovation is a key driver in pushing ESG transformation and creating a more sustainable future.

Don't miss out on this precious opportunity for interaction, exchange and inspiration. Let's advance ESG progress together! SIGN UP NOW!

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